Using agate mortar, crush Chloride crystals of two metals, say cobalt chloride and iron chloride into fine powder. Put the fine crystals in a beaker and add distilled water so that we obtain a concentrated solution. Using high energy ball milling apparatus, ball mill it for 2 hours in a 650 rotations per minute speed. Add potassium hydroxide solution until it become brown. If it is not becoming brown, add a few drops of concentrated sodium hydroxide. The solution is subjected to heating till it boils. Let it remain there for 2 minutes. Ball milling shall repeated to 3 hours in a 600 rpm speed now. Filter the liquid and residue be dried using oven. Dried samples are heated to 773 K using a quality furnace. Put water, oleic acid and paraffin liquid in equal amount and ball mill it for 10 hours in a relatively low rpm (250 rpm enough). The resultant fluid is nanomagnetic and very much useful.
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自拍 脫衣秀 a片 成人 a片 3p自拍 3y3成人色色網 3級片 45av 45av光碟 4qk 4u成人 4u成人影片 50av 520sex 520sex脫衣秀 520免費視訊 520免費影片 520聊天室 5278cc免費影片 5278成人色論 5278免費 5278貼圖區 555免費影片 5s成人色論 666成人 666成人光 666貼圖 女優 全裸 69成人 69性愛姿勢 69情色貼圖 69聊天室 鹹濕 裸圖 火辣 6g成人色論 6k情色av聊天館 6k情色淫婦聊天館 6k聊天室 視訊 6k聊天館 爆乳 6k貼圖 6k貼圖爆乳聊天館 707聊天聯盟 72p影片網 735聊天室 77p2p
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